what's new?

October 23, 2002
I modified the breastfeeding page...didn't add to it, but took off what I need to rework and research a bit more.

September, 2002
I created a blog (online journal) of my own!

May 31, 2002
Added a little more to the breastfeeding page

May 15, 2002
put up the beginnings of a breastfeeding page

May 11, 2002
created this "what's new" page.

May 10, 2002
*Created a daily log page in the homeschooling section. 

May 9, 2002
*Created a page of crunchy links to my favorite pages of fellow crunchy individuals.

May 1, 2002
*Moved this site over to Tripod after having repeated server problems at Geocities.

April, 2002
*Created a page on baby slings.

[contact me]   [home]   [pregnancy and birthing]     [the mainstream mold]    
[the inner stream]
[babies, breasts, and bottoms ](baby issues, breastfeeding, cloth diapering)
[Every Day is Sacred]     [crunchy links]   [my online journal (blog)]