Crunchy Community
Light Hearts by Elizabeth Hallett Have you ever "felt" you kids before they were born...that you knew about their personalities, did they visit you in dreams, or did you see them out of the corner of your eye, even before they were conceived? Elizabeth studies this fascinating topic of pre-birth communication. She is a mother, and an author of several books. Her latest book on this topic is due out in Spring, 2002. Desert Trails Adventures of a homeschooling family living in the high desert. This is a very interesting site in that it is both a family web page and a informational resource on homeschooling. It's pages contain explaination of unschooling, descriptions of what/how their kids are learning, information about their their local area, personal interests and soapboxes. A very refreshing page! Melissa's site is very pleasing to the eye, and very original in content. She is an artist and a student of life who has taken the time to really think things through. Enjoy her insights! Mango Mama's Natural Parenting If homeschooling, homebirth, unassisted birth, simple living, nature-centered spirituality, and gentle parenting are your bag, this is a meaty site to sink your teeth into! All against the tropical backdrop and culture of Maui. Very enjoyable visits await. Technomom Very frank discussions of important topics are discussed here. Nothing is dressed up or padded for comfort! If you can't take the heat... Laura's Homepage Laura is a writer and mother with a rich weaving of interests. Her site reflects these interests, such as the textile arts, international studies, and natural birthing and mothering. She is an avid reader, and you can find detailed descriptions of her recommendations on many topics. Her parenting pages are excellent resources for homebirth, breastfeeeding, gentle discipline, and cloth diapering.
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