and Birthing
Part of this page was written before my second birth, and parts of it were written afterwards, with a retrospective point of view. I am exploring the spiritual side of pregnancy and birth, as I gather golden tidbits of inspiration and information here and there! Just scroll down this page to read about birth and pregnancy blessingways, or view the books that I found most helpful for pregnancy and childbirth preparation, or see reflections on having siblings present at birth. I wish you a peaceful and meaningful journey on the path you are taking!
I am very interested in the spiritual experience of pregnancy and birth, and how a woman and her preborn child can be supported by a loving community especially at this time. The clostest mother-supportive ritual we have in our culture is the baby shower, where the new mother (and usually exclusively the first time she becomes a mother) is "showered" with material things she will need to take care of her baby. What I envision for a blessingway is a gathering of the mother's supportive family and friends in a circle to bestow blessings and their well wishes to the mother and baby for a safe, gentle, and peaceful journey through pregnancy and/or birth. What follows below are some ideas I have, as well as my own "wish list": I envision this ceremony to include nuturing the mother by all women present in some way, and possibly giving her symbolic gifts representing their blessings. There could be music, candles, and imagery...whatever is comfortable for the mother. I visualize the participants of the ceremony to be women that the mother finds particularly supportive to her, and at least some who have experienced birth already. Perhaps there could be women of all ages, representing the life cycle of the feminine..the maden, mother, and crone. The Blessingway could be part of a larger ceremony, including sharing a meal and a more traditional baby shower, with the honored woman's mate, family and more friends participating after the Blessingway. In this way, the whole celebration is observed as a personal and spiritual journey for mother and baby, as well as a celebration of couple becoming family, or of a family continuing to grow. Have you, or anyone you know had a blessingway?
I am very interested in knowing about your experiences, not only for my
own personal journey, but also to share here on this page. Would
you please take a few moments to share your story or any ideas you have?
Please email me. Also
let me know if I may put your stories and ideas on this page. I would
be glad to provide a link to your web page or email address, or keep your
identity annoymous, if you prefer. Thank You!
Here is some information I have found about blessingways: The Pregnant Woman's Comfort Book by Jennifer Louden, has a chapter that inspires ideas of how to create a blessingway ceremony. Virtual Blessingways at Alternamoms Unite You can receive your own virtual blessingway if you are a member of Alternamoms Unite. You can also view blessingways designed for others.
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