Information and links to diapering products


diapering information:

 Diaper Changes:The complete diapering book and resources
by Theresa Rodriguez Farrisi
This site promotes the book of the same name, and has the author's practical experiences and insights from cloth diapering her 5 children, as well as information on all the diapering products available.  You will also find samples of her book chapters and complete table of contents. Being filled with light humor, this site is very enjoyable to brouse.

 Laura's Cloth Diapering Page Get input from another cloth diapering mother!  This page is a very useful resource that covers advantages of cloth diapering, supplies needed, laundering tips, diapering product links, and links to other cloth diapering sites.

diapering products:

    Babyworks This is my personal favorite products resource.  The products in the catalog are explained very well, the customer service is excellent and friendly, and delivery is prompt.  covers, diapers, diapering accessories, all-in-ones, swimwear, blankets, etc. can be found here.  There are products for all price ranges.  Laundering tips are included.

 Biobottoms  Diapering products include their own diaper covers, nighttime pants, prefold and hourglass diapers.  Toilet learning books, videos, and potty are also available.

 Ecobaby  Organic diapers, diaper covers, as well as many other organic clothing and sleepwear.

 Green Mountain Diapers  A home-based buisness, making available all-in-ones, prefold diapers, covers, diaper doublers, and diapering packages.

Natural Baby Company contoured (hourglass) diapers, prefold diapers, covers, all-in-ones, and wool soaker cover are available here.


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